Rapid Fire[edit | edit source]
A model using a weapon with the Rapid Fire keyword may choose to fire it normally, or 'Blaze Away'with a Shoot action in an attempt to pin models, but cause no wounds. Rules that affect Shoot actions still apply unless noted otherwise.
The shooting player must declare they are making a Blaze Away ateempt and then follow the normal rules for a Shoot action (LOS, Range, etc). There are no benefits from Crouching for either the shooter or the target during Blaze Away. The Optics keyword has no effect when making a Blaze Away roll.
The player making the Blaze Away rolls a 4 dice Ranged Test (x)
The player controlling the target model now rolls a 3dice Survive test (x) and compares the number of successes rolled.
If the shooting model has rolled more successes than the target model, the target model has 1 Energy Shield depleted and becomes pinned (see page 26 of the Rulebook). With any other result, nothing happens.
Note: Armour and Armour Piercing are not applicable when making a Survive roll against a Blaze Away because no damage is caused