This is a quick reference keyword guide for Halo: Flashpoint
For scenarios in which Kills count towards the victory conditions (e.g. Slayer) each enemy killed by a model with this keyword counts as 2 kills
Active Camouflage
If the model is targeted by a ranged attack, that attack will not gain the Clear Shot +2 dice, High Ground +1 or Crouched +1 die modifiers if this model has fully charged Energy Shields.
Before the damage and other effects of this weapson have been resolved, the models in all cubes adajcent to the explosion (in all directions) have 1 Energy Shield depleted
Continuous Fire
When a weapon with this keyword is used in a Ranged test, it benefits from Weight of Fire (2. At the end of the current Shoot action, the model that used the weapon must take a 3 dice Survive test (2). If the test failed it must take 1 wound. Armour and Shields do not protect against this damage. If this kills the model, the kill is awarded to the opposing player.
The model can never be Pinned (even if caused by other keywords). If affected by an attack that has effects in addition to pinning, such as Hits caused by Frag, the additional effects still apply.
Firing Platform (n)
A model firing a weapon with the firing platform keyword gains +n dice when performing a Shoot action
This model recieves a +1 die modifier in Fight or Survive dice tests during an Assault
One use only.
A weapon with the Optics keyword adds a +1 die modifier to Shoot actions. Headshots occur on rolls of 7 and 8
This keyword may not be used when using the Rapid Fire keyword to make a Blaze Away Shoot action.
Rapid Fire
A model using a weapon with the Rapid Fire keyword may choose to fire it normally, or 'Blaze Away'with a Shoot action in an attempt to pin models, but cause no wounds. Rules that affect Shoot actions still apply unless noted otherwise.
The shooting player must declare they are making a Blaze Away ateempt and then follow the normal rules for a Shoot action (LOS, Range, etc). There are no benefits from Crouching for either the shooter or the target during Blaze Away. The Optics keyword has no effect when making a Blaze Away roll.
The player making the Blaze Away rolls a 4 dice Ranged Test (x)
The player controlling the target model now rolls a 3dice Survive test (x) and compares the number of successes rolled.
If the shooting model has rolled more successes than the target model, the target model has 1 Energy Shield depleted and becomes pinned (see page 26 of the Rulebook). With any other result, nothing happens.
Note: Armour and Armour Piercing are not applicable when making a Survive roll against a Blaze Away because no damage is caused
Two uses only.
When this model triggers an Assault action by moving into a cube, they receive a +3 dice modifier to the Fight test instead of the normal +2
Weight of Fire (n)
A model with this keyword may reroll (n) dice when making Ranged tests.
Weight of Fire is cumulative. If more than one Weight of Fire modifier applies to the test, add together the (n) value from each source.
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