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Mantic Games Wiki

Tactician (n) is a keywords from Halo: Flashpoint.It was introduced in Wave 1 (base set)


A character with this keyword is a great leader and intuitively understands how to get the most out of a combat situation.


While the Tactician model is in play on the board (not when off the board waiting to respawn):

  • Its player adds (n) Command Dice to their Command Dice roll at the start of the Round.
  • The player may make (n) rerolls at this time
  • At the end of the Round, may carry over (n) unused Command Dice instead of rolling them again at the start of the next Round

Having more than one Tactician in a Fireteam provides additional benefits. If more than one model on the board has the keyword Tactician, add together the (n) value from each source.


Ben has a Fireteam with 1 model with Tactician (1). He rolls 3 Command Dice at the start of Round 1 and makes 1 reroll if he wishes. At the end of Round 1, he has used 2 of the Command Dice results but has a Shoot action result left over. He may choose to carry this 1 results over to the next Round and just roll the other 2 dice to make his pool for Round 2, or he can roll all 3 dice.

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