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Mantic Games Wiki

MLRS-2 Hydra is a Weapon in Halo: Flashpoint and was released with Wave 1



Energy Shield Depleter/ESD (n)

When a model takes hits from a Shoot or Assault attack, caused by a weapon with the ESD keyword, immediately deplete (n) Energy Shields from the target model. Then resolve the Hits caused against the target's remaining Energy Shields and Armour as usual.

If the target model is protected by an Energy Shield Barrier, the Barrier is depleted first, then the target model's own Energy Shield


There are always other keywords to denote the type of explosive attack after rolling to hit. (e.g. Frag (n))

When using an Explosive weapon, perform a Shoot action, which must target a cube that is LOS; you do not need to be able to see an individual model in the cube. Make a 3 dice Ranged test (1) with no modifiers or rerolls allowed. If successful, the target cube is hit. If failed, roll to Scatter (refer to Page 28 in the rulebook) to determine which adjacent cube on the same level is hit instead. There is no opposed roll made by the enemy to this Shoot test, but there may be a later damage roll (e.g. Frag (n)). Explosive weapons will not bounce off solid walls, they will affect whichever cube the Scatter roll indicates. If they Scatter off the battlefield they miss completely and have no effect. Now resolve the type of attack on the affected cube using the other keywords

Frag (n)

After rolling to hit with a weapon using the Explosive or Grenade keywords, roll a (n) dice 4+ test (x) for the strength of the attack. No modifiers or rerolls allowed. Models in the target cube must roll a 3 dice Survive test (x)

The shooter rolls once for the attack and then each model in the cube rolls separately for their Survive test (enemy and friendly models are all affected)

Draw or Survive has more successes: Attack fails to cause any hits

Frag has more successes: The difference in number of successes is the number of hits caused. (refer to Damage and Death on page 20 in the rulebook)

Whatever the results of the attack, all surviving models in the target cube are thrown one cube in a random direction (refer to Scatter on page 28 in the rulebook) and are then pinned.

Lethal (n)

A model that suffers wounds from a weapon with the Lethal keyword (after applying shields and armour) takes (n) additional wounds (in total, not per wound suffered)

Lethal is cumulative. If more than one Lethal modifier applies to the attack, add together the (n) values.


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